Saturday 18 May 2024

Jab and coffee morning.

I took the cakes round to the parish hall at nine and the walked dow to the chemist to have my Covid jab. That was fine and has been all day but this venting it is beginning to get more painful. There is a fabulous topper on the post box, the maker is hoping for donations towards the Hornsea carnival. I took two pics as it is really intricate.
I went into the coffee morning, it was a fund raiser for Guide dogs. I didn’t win a little dog on the tombola so I bought one instead, it even has its little training coat on!
I went back in at the end to see if I had won anything in the raffle, no luck, then stayed and helped pack up the chairs.
It was quite sunny but I decided to mow the bigger lawn in the front garden. Used the spiral weed remover and was a little more successful.
After tea I did a about six watering cans to try and keep the trees and newest plants alive.the foxgloves are opening now,

Had a shower and enjoying a bit of tv now.


  1. I vaguely remember my arm getting a bit stiff after my last Covid jab, but it didn’t get painful. I hope yours eases off quickly.
    That postbox topper is brilliant. The time and effort that goes into them is unbelievable. I really do hope people make the donations.
    I like your new pet. I wonder what the cats will think of it? 🙂
    The new weeding tool should make life a bit easier now you’re getting used to it. It’ll save you a lot of bending and digging. War on the thistles 🙂
    Take it easy, and I hope the arm isn’t too painful.

  2. Apparently quite a lot of folk are having a bad reaction to the latest Covid jab, so fingers crossed I just have a painful shoulder!
    The topper is fantastic, and they are usually left in damaged in the town for people to enjoy.
    That tool makes quite big holes in the lawn, but they will soon grass over.
