Thursday 30 May 2024

Lacking motivation!

Not a lot to write about today, started the day feeling lethargic and have stayed that way, not help by it being grey, cold and drizzly most of the day. I wrote a letter to my friend and did walk to the post office to post it as in the town the only collection in the town post boxes is at 9am! I did wander up to the sea and had a drink at the leisure centre. Couple of slightly different pics as I walked along the lower promenade.
I walked along to Countdown on the way back and bought a few bedding plants.
A few household chores and not a lot else today. Hopefully motivation will return tomorrow!


  1. I think we all have lethargic days, and to be honest you’ve had a lot of pain recently, coupled with little sleep. I’m sure you’ll pick yourself up before too long. At least you made it to see the sea, so all is not lost today 🙂 The photos are slightly different of the front today, and I quite like them. Perfect British seaside 🙂
    Gardening wasn’t totally off your mind, even with the miserable weather. More bedding plants for the never ending garden!
    Hope you manage a decent nights sleep and feel better for a nice day tomorrow 🤞

  2. Mmm, don’t want to wake up feeling the same tomorrow.
    Thank goodness for ‘Heartbeat’ which I am rlly enjoying at the moment!
