Monday 13 May 2024

Bell Mills garden centre

This morning I mowed the corner lawn in the front garden, no photo but I did take one of the larger lawn I mowed yesterday.
I did some strimming in the front garden and cleared a lot of weed. We have trouble with multiplying Spanish bluebells and grape hyacinths. I pulled these to bulbs of grape hyacinths up and was amazed how many babies they had! No wonder they multiply at a rate of knots!
Tina has a busy week, including Thursday so she managed to get a bit of time off today. We went to Bell Mills garden centre and cafe, lunch first and then into the garden centre. I bought some new tools but more of that in a bit. We also bought duck food as it is a very pretty setting there.
We called in a Hornsea garden centre on the way home for a coffee and Tina got me a new set of bedding, maybe a photo when it is on the bed.
Not back to the tools, two of which I tried out when we were home. 
We both tried the spiral weed remover, not with the greatest success, but we will get the knack with practice! Then I used the one a bit like an arrowhead.
There are massive weeks with thick stems on the patio, the tool did well but you need a bit of elbow grease!
The other buy at the garden centre was this little otter who was sitting on the counter and cost a pound.
This evening I went to theMayor Making as Caroline’s guest, as Elaine, Sher’s mum was becoming deputy mayor. It wasn’t a long meeting but there were refreshments afterwards.
So quite a busy day in the end, and now relaxing before retiring.


  1. Definitely a busy day for you. I can see why those flowers are called grape hyacinths. Plus it’s no wonder they spread so well. Your garden must have been virtually taken over by of one sort or another!
    Bell Mill looks a lovely place and you have some really good pics that show it off. The ducks are a bonus too 🙂
    Tools and bedding. You women really know how to shop when you’re out lunching 🙂 I’m sure you’ll soon get the hang of the spiral thingy.
    The otter looks very large for just a pound, or is it sitting on a very small table?
    A posh evening out is a great way to end the day. Nice to mingle in the right circles 😂

  2. The otter is not very big, I put him/her on a wooden kitchen stool. I think last time we went I got an otter that was reduced at the till, perhaps they have second sense I am going to visit!
    It was a full day and enjoyable and off to the pottery place today.
