Tuesday 14 May 2024

Walking and clay play!

I walked up to Freeport, it did spit with rain briefly but sadly that came to nothing all day. When I got to the pottery studio I was just in time to catch an evacuation drill! So had to walk a very long way through two car parks with all the staff from the stores to the meeting place. That actually set my leg off a bit but it has been okay since, just a bit of a twinge. I found out to late that ai needn’t have got to the meeting point, could have stayed at the entrance, it was intended for the staff. Caroline had said she hoped to be up today but we weren’t sure when so I started a couple of tiny ‘add ons’.
The sample gecko I painted was up on the wall, quite high, so not a very close photo.
Caroline arrived and we set up to make some clay plant markers to be used at the flower pot workshop we are doing together.
With left over clay I made a postcard using another mould.
We spent a couple of enjoyable hours and it is good practice for helping the folk at the workshop. I caught the bus home a bit later than usual.
The tamarix in the front garden is looking lovely.
Fed the birds and did some watering but no actual gardening today, had plenty of exercise though!
Tina and Darren have gone to a formal council meeting so a pic of them ready to go.
I did change the bedding, so a bit more exercise even though I use the burrito method, it still takes a while! Very nice new bedding set.
I will get a bit of prep done in a bit for tomorrows dinner as I am seeing David and Sarah in the morning and Tina and I are doing a craft workshop in the afternoon.


  1. We had rain here too, mainly this morning. But all in all it’s not been too bad. At least I got out. It’s a pity after walking to Freeport without too much bother that when you got there the extra bit gave you problems. Specially when you find out you could have stayed there anyway! I really do like the gecko. I think the plant markers are great too. I’ll look forward to seeing some of those finished and fired. Do you have a plan for the postcard? I think being able to make stuff like that add a new dimension to what you do there.
    Darren scrubs up well doesn’t he? The Rev isn’t bad either 🙂 I love the expression on his face, it’s almost “don’t take my photo” 😂
    I like your new bedding. It’d be nice if it helps you get a really good nights sleep. Probab….bee a bit much to ask though 🙂
    Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  2. The postcard was on of the moulds Caroline got. She was thinking of getting boxes the right size and people could make and paint one to send as something a bit different. She is full of ideas and it is fun to spent some time with her experimenting.
    The extra walk straight away was a bit much, but onward and upward.
    Haven’t got my gecko present yet, hopefully next week.
    The bedding is really silky, so should feel nice even if it doesn’t improve the sleeping!
