Thursday 23 May 2024

Second scan, all clear

This morning I pottered and did a few chores, had a bad night and wasn’t feeling too lively. About eleven set off with Tina into Hull, I had my clinic appointment at two but we left early to have time for lunch and a wander round first. Tina took a picture of me when we had ordered lunch. Only people in there at the time.
We enjoyed lunch and then walked to Princes Quay.only purchase was throat lozenges! We stopped for a coffee on the way to the clinic. Nice art work on the wall.
Not such nice art work at the clinic. This large photo was apparently part of the site before the clinic was built. Taking it is one thing, having it blown up and displayed is beyond me! The only thing to look at as we waited.
Scan done and chat with a nurse afterwards. All clear and he will report back to the surgery.
We made our way back to the car park, forgot to mention that the lift wasn’t working when we got there and we helped a lady down with her push chair. Luckily it was working when we got back!
We called in Lidl on the way back. I was dozing off in the car!
This evening I have been marking things up for the garage sale as I won’t be in tomorrow evening as it is Vicar of Dibley style bingo at one of the viallges!


  1. Good news that you got the all clear from your appointment today. At least you got a lift today which makes the whole thing so much easier for you. Buses are good sometimes, and not so good other times.
    I like the pic Tina took of you while you waited for lunch. It’s a nice one.
    The difference in the artworks is chalk and cheese. I really like the shapes, but I agree with you about the other one, why bother blowing it up?
    Vicar of Dibley bingo sounds like fun tomorrow. You lead the life 😀

  2. Good to have the scan result confirmed, and nice staff again.
    It was quite a chilly day, so we didn’t do too much exploring!
    Usual catching up day today followed by the bingo!
