Sunday 31 March 2019

Mothering Sunday

I was up and about quite early and took Cookie for a longish walk before Anya and family picked me up. We went to The Cuckoo public house in Alwalton and were joined by Louis’s parents for a very nice Mother’s Day meal. A photo of Isobel by th entrance when we were leaving.
Then we all went to Ferry Meadows and I can now reveal a secret I have kept to myself since my last visit. Isobel has been learning to ride a bike at Ferry Meadows where there is a bike renting scheme. I have pictures of her then, on a different bike yesterday, and today!

Well done Isobel, and she is now th owner of the bike she has been learning on.
A picture of a carved statue and a couple of the steam train passing by.

Anya dropped me off a Rachel’s where we have had a quiet afternoon. Lee got in touch so got to talk to the American family on FaceTime.
A good day and heading back home tomorrow.


  1. What a lovely, and I bet the meal was nice too. Good you got to see both clans on a special day.
    You certainly kept the bike secret very well. She looks a natural on it, and will no doubt be zooming about every chance she gets. Before you know it she’ll be taking driving lessons! Time does seem to pass by very quickly!

  2. It was a very nice day, the dog sitting fell at the right weekend.
    Isobel has really taken to the cycling now which is great.
    The meal was lovely and a great building too.
