Saturday 16 March 2019

Miserable weather!

Still very windy today and raining on and off as well.
I walked up to the estate this morning to the post office there as ther nearer one doesn’t open on Saturday. I took the trolley and did some shopping at Tesco on the way back. The first aid hut is in the car park at Tesco and there is a mural on the side now which is bright and colourful.

When I got home Tina asked me if I liked the new, bright orange, tree decoration on the roundabout near Tesco. I hadn’t even noticed it, was too busy battling the wind and rain!
I had ordered some Easter dies that arrived today and I spent some time cutting them and this evening have made four cards, think they are quite cute.

I have heard that the quilt has arrived and the parents to be are very happy with it.
No Casualty tonight so watching The Voice.
For some reason the pictures cannot be seen on an iPad but they are there on myChrome book. It has got me to the point where I think I am blogged out!
So will say cheerio unless I have some inspiration to solve the latest in a long list of publishing hassles!


  1. Well at least I got to see the pics via google. A real pain that you’ve had so much trouble with the blog lately ☹️

  2. Such a pain, but I have given it a good run!
