Tuesday 5 March 2019

Homeward bound

This morning Skip took me to the station in plenty of time for my train. Waitrose now do hot water with lemon or mint so I had a cup with mint nd it was really quite refreshing. Not sure it was worth 75 p but I enjoyed it! The journey went fairly well, this sign in the first train didn’t exactly inspire confidence though!
I was feeling very tired on the final part of the journey on the bus and kept dozing off but was awake at my stop! Had a cuppa with Tina and she told me Darren had got something for me at the boot sale. A fabulous little watering can for indoors. Quite delightful.
Tina took me for a short drive to Skipsea to send off a package and she made pancakes for our tea which were very tasty.
I will have a quiet evening with tv to look forward to, the second Holby/Casualty episode and then Shetland.
No more photos to but will post this gorgeous shot of a Japanese macaque hugging her baby in the snow!


  1. 75p for water with mint in, extortionate! 😊
    Glad you had a reasonable trip home and didn’t need to follow any of the signs! Certainly not good for anyone of a nervous disposition. Not so sure why you’d need a wood saw in case of an emergency though!
    I love the duck. You’d have bought that if you’d seen it, so a good spot by Darren. Make sure you give him a big hug 😀
    Bet the pancakes were nice, specially if you didn’t have to cook them. Lemon juice and a sprinkling of sugar I hope?
    Enjoy some feet up time with your programs.

  2. Yes, the trip home was fine really, surprising how tiring it is though.
    Yes, I sure I would have bought the duck if I’d noticed it.
    Another yes, did have lemon juice and sugar on the pancakes.
