Tuesday 19 March 2019

Gardening and Scrabble group

I spent all morning in the garden, wanted to get on with those two small front beds. The camera died today so photos from the phone and one from the iPad! Spotted this beautiful daffodil before I got started.

I dug up some foxgloves in the back garden planning to use them in the newly prepared beds. The side that I removed the bushes from yesterday was quite easy to get done. When I started digging the other side I realised there was a tree stump, just for a change! It wasn’t the biggest but was well and truly established. I had to get the bigger spade and fork and when I was fairly deep got the loppers to free it! Once out I could finish digging the bed.

I broke up the clumps of foxgloves and got them in along with some daffodils that I had dug out and moved.

After lunch and freshening up I set off for the Scrabble group, this time at a house near the Floral Hall. Work has started on the Leisure 
Centre, I think this machine was a huge drill!

The group was fine, six of us so two games of three players. Only one game today then plenty of chat over tea and biscuits.  The sea was quite high on the way home, the phone coped fairly well, as I did as I am not keen on taking photos with it.

Last night I made a few more Easter cards, not the usual look but I think they are quite cute.

The last episode of Shetland tonight.


  1. Well first of all it’s a shame your camera had given up ☹️ But the pics from the phone and iPad look good on here. I love the first pic of the daffodil. The low level and the selective focus make it really stand out. Great looking flower.
    You’ll do yourself a mischief one of these days digging those roots out! You should delegate to a big strong man you have living there! It is looking good though, so worth the effort.
    I’m like you, I don’t particularly like taking pics on my phone, but you seem to be coping well with it. You even got level horizons 😊
    The Easter cards look really nice. As you say, different but why go with the norm, they’ll stand out nicely from the others.

  2. Yes, a pain about the camera, will see if I still have the paper work but I doubt it!
    Love that daffodil, beautiful with the peachy part.
    On a roll with the gardening, and cards for that matter!
