Thursday 7 March 2019

New ‘blue’ car for Tina

I checked the mushroom kit this morning and to my delight quite a few tiny mushrooms are appearing.
Tina and I set off on a very cold and damp trip to collect her new car in Scarborough. This time the car is the perfect blue which has made Tina very happy. A quick picture of her being handed the keys before we made our way into Scarborough to see the sea.
Although it was a damp and miserable day it was lovely to take in the views at north bay.

It hasn’t lost any of it’s charm. We had a quick trip to Irton garden centre and had a look round then we went to Walkers restaurant for very posh fish meals and extremely lovely and naughty desserts! We called in on Debbie and Neil before Tina had the drive home to get used to her new vehicle.
The burglar alarm was ringing merrily when we got home as there had been a power cut some hours earlier. It is a wonder Charlie wasn’t deafened as he was in, Blue had been outside.
I took a walk into the town as I wanted to post a birthday card and I wanted to go to the chemist. But it was a bit like a ghost town with shops that should have been open closed early, presumably because of the power failure. This tiny daffodil with the pretty orange trumpet has appeared in the garden.
I have watched the final episode of Endeavour this evening and it was a brilliant finale.


  1. I love mushrooms. I eat about 800 grams a week! Bet yours will taste much better though as you’ve grown them yourself.
    That’s a nice looking car, and a very nice shade of blue too. It’s number plate doesn’t make any nicknames spring to mind, but I’m sure it’ll end up with one, even if it’s just “blue”, which will confuse the cat!
    Seems odd having pics of Scarborough again. Never gets boring though as it’s a lovely place.
    A posh bit of fish and a naughty dessert was a way to celebrate the new car....any excuse 😊
    A pleasant day, apart from coming home to the bells!

  2. It is really nice to visit Scarborough now and again. We are lucky and still live by the sea but the sea view here is not quite in the same league!
    Very nice car and it seems to be a really comfortable and smooth ride. Bit bigger and more powerful too so all good.
