Monday 25 March 2019

Walk to Morrow Avenue

This morning I walked up beyond the Floral Hall to deliver a letter for Tina. Also got to see Morrow Avenue wher I know that the HUG team do a lot of work. As it is quite a distance I have never actually ventured up there before. I walked via the sea front, the first picture is from a usual vantage point but the others are further along Marine Drive.

The garden at Morrow Avenue is not too colourful at the moment but is very neat and today and is very near the sea and exposed.
I was pretty tired walking back, I think the days of gardening are catchImg up with me and I had almost met my steps target by the time I got home. But I did go out into the garden this afternoon and cleared the bed where the goards were last year and put in some of the new plants. Slowly getting the back garden tidied up as well.

I did have some drinks in the summer house and caught sight of the robin through the window.
I think he had found a mealworm!
May try and get some bulbs in tomorrow!


  1. Glad to see the pics are appearing normally again instead of blank frames.
    Postman today as well as all the other roles you do. You’re a glutton for exercise...unlike me at the moment! Worth the walk for some pics with nice blue skies in though. Really like the first moody one of the sea.
    The bed you did today looks huge, and I’m sure would be ample for most people. Little do they know it’s only a tiny percentage of what you have to keep under control! Glad to hear you’ve had a few breaks in the summer house. I’m guessing you’re still pooped though.

  2. Not feeling quite so tired now but not planning on done no much this evening.
    It was a lovely day except for the wind which had really got up again and makes walking a bit more difficult. That bed is at quite and angle so it needs to have plants in it to stop it all sliding down onto the lawn!
