Wednesday 20 March 2019

Weeding and ducks

Tha mornng I did go in the garden, the main bed at the frmoment net of the house is now awash with bluebells, Spanish variety. They are taking  very so I set about removing a lot of them. Bagged them  and put a help yourself box by the entrance again. All six carriers disappeared which was good. I do struggle with the weeding so didn’t work for quite so long today. I took a photo of these flowers on the small lawn as they are lovely and we don’t know what they are, may send the picture to a gardening site.

This afternoon, after lunch, I walked up to the mere to feed the ducks. I am not great at pictures with the phone, but will post a few.

I sat out in the summer house for a while this afternoon and rad for while. The sky was pretty this evening.

Tina and I are planning to go to Bridlington tomorrow for lunch and then do a grocery shop.


  1. It’s been a lovely day. Perfect for a bit of gardening. Just a bit though, not hours of toil like you seem to do!
    I have to say that if all those pics are with your phone, then they’re extremely good. I think you’re soon getting the hang of using it. All very sharp and it copes with the skies and backlit trees brilliantly. Oh the joys of technology 😊
    Should really be fish and chips if you’re off to Bridlington tomorrow. I know they’re old hat when you live at the seaside though.

  2. The photos are all with the phone, getting the hang of it but still don’t like using it!
    I think we are eating at the garden centre. Will try to resist bulbs!
