Thursday 28 March 2019

Trip to Driffield

This morning the Ringtons man arrived early and Tina treated me to a great time with goodies in that looks like a toaster!
After that Tina and I spent a while out in the garden digging up some of the tree roots where the bushes had been cut down. We managed to remove quite a few. Tina went off to have her hair cut and I got ready for our trip out when she was home.
We went to Driffield, the first car park was full as it was market day, but we found the ne near the centre of the town. We walked past some stalls and found a little cafe called The Bees Knees. Very nice atmosphere in there and very reasonable prices. This picture was on the wall, given to the owners by children they used to foster.
We ordered ham, egg and chips and waited for an age, but we were quite relaxed about it. Just the couple running the place. When it arrived they were the best chips ever, apparently cooked in an air fryer, definitely worth the wait!
We had a fixed parking ticket, but had time to have a wander round the town.

We went to a country store then, got some compost on offer and I spotted some Wright’s Coal Tar soap, I absolutely love it and haven’t seen any for ages.
We called in at a Lidl as well and I got this bird feeder but have sealed the drainage holes and will use it in the bushes where I put mealworms for the tits, but as a water feeder. They are more likely to be safe from the cats if they stay in the bushes.
This evening I have filled the raised beds with compost and have watered the flower beds and bonsai trees.
Will get sorted for my dog sitting trip in a bit.


  1. That does look like a toaster. I’m betting they were nice goodies too if they’re from the Ringtons man.
    Looks like you had a nice time out with Tina. Your meal sounded good. If you’re back that way again I bet you’ll be dropping in for chips 😊 Driffield looks a nice place.
    The coal tar soap will be lovely. I really like the smell of it. So much better than all the flowery perfumed stuff you get these days! You’ll enjoy using that.
    All in all a good day for you. Plus the birds get a little bit spoiled again too 😊

  2. Tea bags, four coffee bags, waffles and four small jars of breakfast spreads! Coffee bags is a new one, probably too strong for me!
    Good trip out and a town we would like to visit again and have a bit more time.

  3. Never seen coffee bags. Sounds interesting.

  4. A new thing I think, will let Tina try one!
