Friday 8 March 2019

Cold again,especially the wind!

Winter would seem to have returned with a vengeance, but it is early May, we were lured into thinking summer was on the way with that unseasonably hot spell! This morning I went to the Living Well meeting, the speaker was a man who is now a very strict Vegan after being very poorly some years ago.he has some interesting books and lots of information.
After lunch with Tina I took a walk to th butchers via the sea front, I have been quite achey this week and struggling to meet my 10,000 steps! It was an on shore wind and I love it when the waves spray back to look like horses manes in the wind. The sea was grey though and it was a bitterly cold wind.

I bought the weekend meat and was amused by pens he had on the counter. 

I said it made me feel like stealing one and he said I could take one - honestly he did!
Haven’t done a great deal this afternoon and not planning to be too active tonight either, hopefully I will feel more energetic tomorrow!


  1. I think you meant to say “now” and not “not” about the vegan man. Pooters always think they know better 😊
    I thought it was pretty cold here today, but that seafront looks freezing. I do love the sea, but think I’d have been tucked up in the dog walkers cafe with a hot chocolate!
    Nothing this afternoon and not a lot tonight sounds like a good plan to me. The question is will you stick to it?
    Gave you the pen.......yeah, course he did. 😀

  2. Have corrected that error, thanks,
    I did have a hot chocolate at the dog walker cafe, seemed like a good idea.
    The pens really amused me, what a great way to advertise!
