Tuesday 12 March 2019

Crafty day

This morning I went to the shops and on the way back the material shop wa open. I got some fabric to use for the back of the quilt and covered the big table so that I could layer the quilt.
That looked like it would ruck up but I managed to pin it so that it is a bit flatter! The material had been very creased and I had difficulty ironing it flat.
I got lunch for Tina and myself and then sorted out some decoupage sheets to take to the craft group. Half a dozen of us and plenty of chat going on. None of them had gone to see the Knife Angel so I showed them the pictures. The weather was pretty miserable when I walked to the group but it was sunny and quite pleasant when I walked home.
I made my tea and some soup with vegetables that needed using when I got home. Finished off the two cards I had started, quite a nice decoupage set.
Holby and Shetland tonight!


  1. That big table is very handy. You’d really struggle trying to do that on a smaller table or the floor. It does look very nice. I just hope it is actually a boy 😊 Or are we not supposed to link colours to genders in these over PC days?! Humbug!
    I like the cards you made today. Did you print the knife angel pics to show them, or were they still on your camera? You’ve certainly done your bit for spreading the word of it. I wouldn’t have had a clue if I hadn’t seen it on here.
    I’m looking forward to Shetland.

  2. Yes, it is a boy, so just got to get on with it now.
    No I didn’t print the pictures, showed them on the phone, get me turning all techie!
    Like those cards, I have had them for a while so good to get them made

  3. Google photos is so useful. You’ve always been quite techie 😊
