Sunday 24 March 2019

Snakes alive!

Darren and I set off for Skirlington at about 8 am, lovely morning and it was really busy today. We did buy some bits and pieces, cds and dvds and we spotted this brilliant cushion for £1.

How funky is that. Did buy a couple of raised beds but they will be in a photo later. Darren bought me this gorgeous brooch.

Walking from the boot sale to the market there was a stall where you could handle reptiles. I just loved this python.

That made my day!
I sat in the summer house for a bit before starting some gardening. Looking out so many bees were settling on the nettles that haveThe bluish flowers. So decided that I needed to start clearing them but remove them near the wall.

The area I was moving them to had a lot of bricks, we have certainly dug up a lot of boulders and bricks since moving here. I did get a lot re-planted though.

Still a lot to do in front of the summer house, but it is a start.

Then I started digging the area near the greenhouse where the gourds had been so that I could place the raised beds.

I did hoe the large flower bed as I had noticed it was very dry and intended watering it after dinner.
Away from gardening I made a few cards last night and an apple pie today!


  1. You do cram a lot into a day. You put me to shame!
    When I first saw the cushion I honestly thought it was a slice of a tree. Very funky. You got a few bargains today. Great brooch from Darren, and the raised beds look nice and strong. Try not to trip over them though! 😊 The garden is coming along, but with it being so big it appears never ending. Looking on the bright side if you keep finding bricks you’ll have enough to build a small outhouse soon. Plus you find time to pet a snake, cook dinner and make an apple pie! Whatever pills you’re taking, could you send me some?!

  2. It does seem to have been a busy day and the gardening does seem endless, but can see improvement too.
    Fabulous snake!
