Wednesday 13 March 2019

Mostly quilting

Went out briefly to the shops this morning but have spent a good part of the day working on the quilt. I managed to get the quilting foot on after about ten minutes of struggling, I had forgotten just how difficult it was to get in place! Quilted along the lines and managed not to get rucks, the back has little dolphins on which fits in with the general theme.

I trimmed off the spare material and wadding and set about joining the pieces of material to make the edging. Another picture of the trimmed quilt.
I finished making the long strip to go round the edge and then went to Sarah’s for a reflexology treatment. It was pleasant and Helen is a lovely lady but I haven’t booked another setting yet.
After tea this evening I sat and got the edging sewn on but could not remember how to finish it off. After several attempts and blue air I am leaving it for tonight. It will not be finished when I do get it right, if I ever do, as it then has to be hand sewn round the edge at the back, which will take a few hours.


  1. That looks really nice. I know it may have got you a “bit worked up” but it’ll all be well worth it when it’s done. You are going to be a very popular lady when you hand it over.
    Does reflexology help with calming? Maybe you should book another session 😊
    I’d take a bet that it’ll be finished by tomorrow evening.

  2. I will endeavour to get the edge stitched on but may not get the hand sewing done. I had forgotten what a challenge they are.
