Tuesday 26 March 2019

More of the same!

Spent a lot of the day in the garden, didn’t take many pictures but did clear this bed and planted most of the remaining gladioli.
Did do a before and after of the bed that took me the least time, did water these plants too as it gets bone dry as it is under a large fir tree.

When I went out to post a letter I spotted some lovely daisy type flowers at Countdown. Bought four and did get them planted as well.
I had a couple of tea breaks sitting in the summer house, the second time Charlie decided to keep me company and check out the furniture!

A lady passing the garden as I worked tried my patience. She wanted bluebells, but for me to did them up straight away so she sat on the wall while I went and dug some up in the back garden. I put them it a plastic plant pot. As I reached her she asked if I had a bag to put them in, so off to the house again to find a carrier bag. Then she proceeded to tell me her troubles, nothing new there I hear you shouting no at the screen!
Will be watching Holby in a bit. Preparing veg for a monthly meal for the Living Well project in the morning and then if I am not the stiff, more gardening.


  1. You really are on a roll with the gardening, and it’s showing. It looks really nice. It amazing how a bit of good weather encourages you to go out and get on with it, not that you need much encouragement. Maybe a bit of rain would be nice. Give the plants a nice drink and stop you slaving away out there for a while 😊
    Charlie looks at home under the chair. It makes a perfect little cat kennel.
    The lady with the bulbs will be back. Either for more bulbs or to tell you more of her woes! As Darren would say, you need to turn off that flashing sign 😊

  2. I am feeling like getting the garden under control, but ther are still plenty of beds to go!
    Charlie doesn’t like to be held or fussed but he does like to be near ‘his people’.
    I do hope the lady doesn’t make regular visits, that might put a stop to my gardening!
