Friday 29 March 2019

Off to dog sit!

I sealed the bird feeder with the Beast glue last night to make it water tight so this morning I put it out in the bushy area. Also took a picture of Rob who is using a large shredding machine to get rid of out mountains of branches!

I caught an earlier bus into Hull so that I could go to Jessops and see if they could do anything’s no with my camera. It is most likely grit or sand that has jammed it, which I had pretty much worked out for myself. Could have sent it away but have left it for now, still borrowing 
Darren’s camera at the moment. Sat and had my sandwich in the town and took a picture of the buildings from a slightly different angle, also of a whacky ‘Rule Britannia’ moment, the girl had a brilliant voice though!

I had a drink from a stall outside the station and thought this sign was pretty clever.
Then noticed this really interesting plaque inside the station.
The trains were pretty much on time and Rachel met me at the station. They are setting off fairly early in the morning then it will be just me and Cookie!


  1. The birds will be happy to have a water source away from cats!
    Looks like you’ll have plenty of mulching material for the flower beds. It might help in stopping so many weeds come through.
    That’s a real shame about the camera. But at least you still have the one Darren loaned you, and it produces some good pic too. I particularly like the Boadicea lookalike on the Wickes shopping cart 😊 Glad you’re trip went ok, and I know you’ll enjoy dog sitting. Cookie’s a lovely dog, albeit a bit excited at times!

  2. Yes, pretty good trip, feeling tired no, funny how sitting around on buses and trains wears you out!
    Some interesting bits in Hull today, I have always liked the city and it has had lots going on since being the city of culture.
    Cookie and I will be just fine!
