Friday 15 March 2019

busy getting nowhere!

This is the third attempt to add a post to my blog. So now lets try a different machine!
Not a lot to report today, i walked to the post office before the Living Well meeting as I wanted to get the quilt in the post. The meeting was interesting, it was about mindfulness and we all practiced three different techniques.
Very windy today, so much so that it was really quite difficult to walk and keep my feet on occasions. after lunch I went to the shops, tried Fultons today as the Coop was closed because they had had a break in.
Then a bit later I walked to the post office again as I had sole an item on eBay, this time I carried on to see the sea and have a hot chocolate. I didn't take the camera and the shot I took with the phone wasn't worth posting.
The only photo today is of this fabulous wedding car that was parked on our drive at lunch time.
Enjoying Comic Relief tonight and I am sure I will end up crying and donating!


  1. Good job you have a plethora of machines to turn to when one gives up. It’s good that you don’t give up though. I know a lot of people who would. Me included at times!
    Almost worth a walk in the wind to see the sea, but the added hot chocolate is the icing on the cake. Although a bit of cake with icing on would have been to have with it too.
    That is a nice car. Bet it cost a few bob to hire too! Handy the vicarage being right next to the church though. You should charge for parking to boost the church coffers 😊
    Enjoy Comic Relief, and only donate once!

  2. having tried twice I wanted to get the post done!
    will try and keep the donating, and crying, under control!
