Monday 25 March 2019

Pleasant day for gardening

I was replacing photos as some people couldn’t see them and now this post is in the wrong place, the one before is today’s entry!
I have been told there will be an update for this app to correct the missing photos, but so far it is not available, I will keep checking. The day started bright and the wind had dropped. Cold first thing as there was a slight ground frost. When I went out to fed the birds I was so happy with the plants from last year have taken and spread.

I decided to do some more work in the front garden, I started carrying on with the area I was working on yesterday then I went across to the bed in front of the other wall. One part wasn’t too bad but the other side had some bushes and I couldn’t get to the weeds, so decided they had to cut me up.

They were linked together so was quite a difficult task, had to go and get the loppers. I did make a reasonable clearance and removed a lot of root.

Took a picture of a lovely tulip that had opened.

These daisy like flowers have appeared on the front lawn.

I managed to get cleared away just before there was a little rain. I tried to watch one of the films I bought yesterday but it kept sticking, so I didn’t get to see it all.
I wrote a couple of letters and went to post them and then decided to take a walk to the sea front. Took some pictures with the photos ne, the first is of a new installation in the Main Street.

I didn’t feel like cooking after the gardening but the little shop on the seafront was closed. Called in to Chip and Gail’s, have passed it many times but never been in. Got very reasonably priced small fish and chips and went an ate them in park. It was pretty dark by then only had to me dog allergy go by and give me an odd did look!

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