Sunday 3 March 2019

Damp walk and busy day

This morning Anya, Isobel and I went to Ferry Meadows, it was wet but we enjoyed a good walk around and I was the great now play park, a bit slippery for climbing but Isobel enjoyed it.

A couple of park shots, it is still a great place to go even if you are getting somewhat damp!

After lunch there we went into the city centre, did some shopping and the rail outside Boots were too good to miss!
Then we went to the cinema, how plush they are, space and recliner chairs!  We saw ‘The boy who would be King’, it was very enjoyable, very good effects. We finished the day by going out for dinner. Back at Rachel’s quite late, a good and quite tiring day.


  1. It does look a bit damp out there, but Isobel seems to be enjoying it. It is a lovely park, although I’ve not been for a lot of years, so it’s changed a bit.
    I’d heard the seating in the cinemas was a bit better these days, but again it’s not somewhere I’ve been for a long time. Are all the seats posh recliners, or do you have to pay extra for them? Think you need a se nod mortgage just to go see a film these days 😊
    Glad you had a good day, despite the damp.

  2. We were at the back, but I think all the seats are the same and loads of leg room and a place to put your drink!
    Very windy and quite cold by the time I came back to
    Rachel’s, but a good day.
