Wednesday 27 March 2019

Veg prep, sea and garden

This morning I had agreed to go and prepare the veg for the monthly lunch at the URC hall. I was a little early so had a quick wander in the memorial garden and saw this beautiful tree.
The veg prep was okay, I ended up doing the majority of it again but it only took about an hour so not too bad. I did hang my coat up this time so it didn’t go walk about again. It was a pleasant day so I walked down to have a look at the sea before I came home.

I liked the muted colours in that second one and especially the strip of light blue.
I walked home via the shop and then did a couple of household chores. I went into the garden and tidied up the large bed behind the wall at the front of the garden and moved some plants that were growing over the stepping stones. I also potted up a few cuttings. My legs were telling me to call it a day so I made a drink and took my book out into the summer house for a bit. Saw a couple of little friends while I was out there.

Darren phoned to say he would be later hope me and he mentioned the sky where he was in Hull was stripy. Not so stripy here but quite dramatic when I went out to look.
Second episode of Bay tonight, should be good.


  1. Sounds like a full and varied day. Nothing better to start the day off than preparing loads of veggies! You’re a glutton for punishment 😊 At least you managed to come home with your coat this time.
    I didn’t notice that light blue strip in the pic until I read your comment. Plus you even managed to catch a seagull flying through it. Bit of a trademark of yours that is. The final pic of the stripy sky is very dramatic. What is that along the left edge of the pic?
    Nice to see your little feathered friends are still visiting. Spoiled for juicy mealworms might have something to do with it.

  2. It is the overhang of the house, I was in the gateway of the walled garden.
    Nice to see th chaffinch, I have seen great tits as well, so far keeping them and the cats apart!
    Nice to catch the seagulls in the sea pictures if I can!

  3. Yes, I can see it’s the overhang now. I wasn’t sure where you taken it from. Nice pic.
