Thursday 14 March 2019


This morning I sorted out the edging of the quilt ready for the hand sewing to finish it off.
I walked down to the coffee morning at the URC as I wanted to give Sarah the claw gloves, I can get myself another pair on Sunday. Had a cup of tea and saw Glynis, one of the HUG volunteers.
Back home I made a start on the hand sewing then had lunch with Tina. This afternoon I walked to the post office via the sea, it was incredibly windy, I am sure lighter people may have been blown over! The sea was dark but the sky bright today.

This afternoon and evening I have carried on with the quilt, now finished and pressed! I have sore fingers but it has been worth it.
I mended a shopping back while the machine was out but it is now safely packed away. No sewing tomorrow....


  1. The sea does look very murky and muddy today, and I can imagine the gale that was blowing. We’ve had a few good gusts here and we’re reasonably well protected. It’s a bit open where you are.
    The quilt looks great. I had a feeling it would be finished this evening. You don’t hang around once you get started on something. Hopefully you’ll not start anything tomorrow and have a rest for a change!

  2. No sewing tomorrow for sure, weather permitting I may get into the garden in the afternoon, have neglected it a bit of late!
    I am pleased with the quilt, haven’t made one for a while so it made a change.
