Monday 31 December 2018

Happy new year!

A very happy new year to the one and all!
Didn’t take that one myself.
Had a quiet morning and did a bit of reading, then we went to Hornsea garden centre to meet up with Anya, Louis and Isobel. We had a nice carvery lunch, and it wasn’t too busy today so no ridiculously long queues like last time. Then a good look around the apartments, particularly the Christmas goods sale. Lots of chances to be a bit silly!
It was an enjoyabl visit and we left got some bits plus I have a few more bulbs to plant now as well.
Back home we had a couple of games, a dice game and Cluedo which was fun. Anya and family will try to get here to see Tina do the ‘big dip’ tomorrow.
Anya.s friend has a walnut tree in her garden and she brought some up for me to enjoy. Lovely to eat them straight from the tree so to speak and they are really tasty.
Sorry about the quality of that one!
I doubt I will stay up tonight but hoping everyone has a good new year.


  1. That looks more like a theme park than a garden centre 😊 Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves, which is the main thing. Can’t believe you got more bulbs to plant. You’ve had hundreds of them going in lately! It’ll look great when they all come up though.
    The walnuts look great. Anya promised me some, so I hope she hasn’t forgotten. Just give her a nudge for me 😁
    I hope you have a great new year too.

  2. It is a great garden centre, lots of departments. Good food too.
    I will need to get the bulbs in soon, they are a bit late really, that is why they were reduced.
