Saturday 29 December 2018

Bridlington and panto

Anya, Louis and Isobel collected me about midday and we drov to Bridlington.after walking into the town and visiting a couple of interesting shops we had fish and chips for dinner, very nice they were too. Going to look at the sea we saw the pirate boat coming in, we thought about having a trip but in th end didn’t get around to it.
We went into one f the arcades and Louis practiced his moves on a dance machine.
We all won some tickets and Isobel was able to collect a couple small prizes.
The light was changing when we came out.
Then we had drinks and Isobel had ice cream!
We made our way to the Spa then wher we were gong to see Jack and the beanstalk. Nice shot of the sea.
Isobel got big hands for herself and me to get into the panto spirit.
The show was great fun and we all joined in with abandon.had my I turn taken with John Lions from A Touch of Frost, he played King Grumble.
Isobel got some sparkly cat ears befor we left, very cute she looked too.
All in  all a good day and Isobel is staying with me tonight.


  1. Looks like a really nice day out. Like the pic of the changing light over the boats. I’m very envious of Isobel’s ice cream, and she looks like she was enjoying it too.
    I liked George in Touch of Frost. Great character. Trust you to hob nob with the famous 😊
    Bet you’re worn out after a busy day of fun. Another one tomorrow again hopefully.

  2. He was a great character in Frost and was really good in the show and now seventy five!
    Nice to get some different sea shots too.
