Tuesday 18 December 2018

Wintry day

It has been cold and damp today, a real biting wind as well. I will start with a picture that I got via email yesterday of Jack Poole Plaza in Vancouver, enough to brighten anybodies day!
I took the trolley and walked up to Tesco this morning, I wante ingredients for some recipes I want to try and although I like the Coop for shopping it is quite a small store so has a limited range. I had a package to post and it wouldn’t fit in the local post box so when I realised Tina had a meeting near another box I cadged a lift. Really cold down by the sea and the package didn’t fit in that post box either, but I was near the post office. Had a drink of hot choclate looking at the sea, a real winter scape today.
A chilly walk home but it blew the cobwebs away! The shop a couple of doors away has very unusual gifts and nice stuff but they also have a box of ‘Bob’s vintage finds’, usually quite pricey so I took a double take when I saw an old hoe for £3.50. Snapped it up before anybody else did.
This afternoon Tina and I went to the st Nicholas Christmas party organised by Marjorie. Carols, bingo food and beetle drive then rounded off with more carols. It was fun and relaxed.
Holby to night to bring the mood back down to earth!


  1. Wow, I’d like to be there for Christmas, very bright and colourful!
    The sea doesn’t look very inviting at all. Very cold I bet 🥶. Nice for photographers though, specially if you have a nice hot chocolate to keep you warm.
    That’s a proper hoe. Definitely from ye olden days and definitely worth more than you paid for it. A bargain! I would say you’ll have fun dragging that through the flower beds, but that might be exaggerating a bit.
    You lot in Hornsea know how to live it up, Christmas parties with bingo an beetle drives. Hope no one got over excited 😀

  2. I am quite looking forward to using the hoe, much less likely to kill the plants as well as the weeds with that one.
    You can see cold and rough it was, not a dog walker in sight!
