Thursday 20 December 2018

Fun lights and baking

When I drew the curtains this I took a couple of pictures of the sky, one straight away and one a little later

This morning I had letters to post and as I have developed a sore throat got a supply of Tyrozets. Walking past the hospice charity shop I spotted some fun elf lights reduced, they are really cute and are hanging across my window now.
I was expecting the Ringtons man so decided to get on with cooking some mince pies, getting prepared for Christmas! Made quite a lot and have frozen a couple of dozen. Had to test one and it was pretty tasty!
Elaine, from the Barnado’s shop came in for a cuppa and to deliver my card. She enjoyed a piece of home made Christmas cake and a mince pie.
Tina and I both have the bad throats now but we took a trip up to Freeport, Tina got a Christmas jumper and I got a pair of trousers with a bit of sparkle in them. We got some stuff at Poundstretcher and called in at Tesco on the way home. I had dinner with Darren and Tina as Tina was making risotto.
I will do some more baking tomorrow, maybe cheese scones.


  1. Lovely skies. I really like the second one. That streetlight just finishes it off. It’s becoming the new aerial.
    The elves are very cute, and definitely your sort of decoration. Must be feeling very Christmassy in there now.
    The mince pies look gorgeous. I really could eat a few of them. Think I’m going to have to make some after seeing those! Bet there’s not many left of the batch you didn’t freeze now. I’ve not had a cheese scone for a while either.
    Quite a busy day with visitors and shopping too. Nice to have tea with Darren and Tina, as it always tastes better when someone else cooks it. Risotto is something else I’ve not had for a long while either. Think I need to start a reminder list for myself.
    The vicarage will smell good tomorrow with the scent of the scones wafting around. Nice warm one smothered in butter.....mmmmm!

  2. I liked that picture, the way the lamp catches the colour is effective.
    I haven’t made scones for a while, used to make pretty good ones, so fingers crossed.
    I really like the elves and just the right amount for across the window.
