Sunday 30 December 2018

Fun and games!

Quite a few photos and not a lot of text I think today.
Isobel slept well and late morning she Darren and I went to the beach. We bought some beach shoes at the dog walker cafe before we made for the sand. I had packed spare clothes and a towel in case any accidental soaking should occur! A lovely day but the water was icy!
I spotted the tiniest sand spider and managed to get this picture, the grains of sand look quite big!
One to prove Darren was there and Isobel wanted a picture of her handiwork.
We had hot chocolate on the beach and when we were dry we went along to the arcade and spent a hike there. We stopped at Crqfty Coffee for a snack on th way back.
I settled Isobel down with a film and some crafting and then I got on with dinner. Anya and Louis joined us for dinner and then we played Harry Potter Scrabble. After that I silly guessing who you are game with masks.
Tina and I watched Peter Rabbit when the family had gone back to their holiday home. A very cute, clever and funny film, we were. Laughing out loud. Nice end to a fun day.


  1. Glad the weather held up for a trip to the beach. It actually looks really pleasant, but I bet that water is absolutely freezing! You got some nice pics though. The spider is really tiny. I’m surprised you even spotted it, let alone photographed it!
    Those masks are actually a bit creepy!
    I’ll keep an eye out for that version of Peter Rabbit as it sounds good.

  2. I thought no I have a sixth sense where spiders are concerned. It was a cute little specimen.
    It really was very mild out today, not like mid winter at all. We were very lucky, perfect for a play on the beach, despite the temperature of the water!
