Monday 24 December 2018

Bright Christmas Eve

Tina and Darren got me a lovely Advent Calendar for a crafty person. It has been a real pleasure finding what delights are behind each window and some of the items are really unusual. I have taken a picture of the hole collection, th final one was the lovely embroidery scissors.
I set off early to go to the butchers to collect the meat order. As I walked down the Main Street the sky looked so much better that yesterday so thought I would make my way to the sea before collecting th meat.
I wasn’t disappoint d when I got to th sea front. Have cut the shots down to four!
As it was such a nice day I went out into the back garden, planted a few more bulbs and put in the few bedding plants that had been in th walled garden for way to long. I planted them in front of the lavender bushes and used the three prong hoe which I am so pleased with.
I took a picture of the back garden from the window on the landing. Although I haven’t spent as much time out there as I would have liked it is so much improved from this time last year.
I cooked a gammon joint in the slow cooker so the house spells good. A bit of tidying up but a quiet afternoon. I will go to midnight mass later but at the moment I am watching Mary Poppins!


  1. That’s a lovely advent set of bits. So much better than a square of chocolate too, and definitely more useful.
    So pleased you decided to walk down to the sea this morning. The one with the gull in flight with the dark cloud and sun rays is beautiful! Has to be one of the best pics I’ve seen this year. You definitely need to get that one blown up and framed!
    The garden does look good. I know I say you shouldn’t spend so much time out there toiling, but when you see the result it’s almost worth it....almost 😀
    Mary Poppins is good, I’m enjoying it too. It’s hard to believe it’s 54 years old! Makes me feel old!

  2. I am pleased I decided on seeing the sea too. So different to yesterday just beautiful.
    The Advent calendar has given me such a lot of pleasure, hopefully will get back into sewing and use the contents well next year.
    It was good to get some tidying done out the back, gives me a good motive to keep on improving it when the spring comes.
