Sunday 23 December 2018

Short post

It has been a grey day and I haven’t done a lot that is worth reporting.
Spent the morning making a birthday cake, a new recipe which will probably be the richest and sickliest cake ever, and there was a lot involved in the making, could well be a one off! Whilst waiting for cooling etc I did some last minute shopping. Best not put a picture of the cake until it is about to be consumed!
I took a walk to the sea, and what a difference a day makes, both in the weather and the view!
Apart from getting dinner it has been a pretty quiet day, nothing on the box I want to see so am going to watch To Kill a Mockingbird.


  1. Cake making, specially if it was a complex recipe, plus shopping and walking are enough to keep you busy for most of the day.
    “Richest and sickliest cake ever” sounds interesting. I’ll be curious to hear if you were all running around with a severe sugar rush after eating it ๐Ÿ˜€
    Judging by that pic it wasn’t the best of days weather wise. At times like that you should be tucked up in the warm with a nice hot drink and a good television program. If the sun isn’t shining tomorrow you should refuse to go out the house and just slob about all day ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. It was a very damp grey day today, supposed to be better tomorrow.
    The bulbs still need planting!
