Monday 17 December 2018

Mainly chores!

I have let things and clutter build up a bit, especially since I started card making again so lots of extra stuff to find a home for. I got a couple mor Christmas bits out and put some in a bag for the charity shop. I also had a go at my cupboards in the kitchen and stored away the cake tins until next year. Another bag of stuff for the charity shop!
I took the bags in the trolley and then got some shopping, micnce meat and pastry ingredients so that I can get ahead and make some goodies to freeze.
It was quite chilly to day but has been a bright wintr day so no complaints. I went out in the garden this afternoon as I had that mountain of ivy and a pile of branches and twigs to sort out. I was winding the long lengths of ivy around my hand and trying to fix them like string as cutting then up would have taken a month of Sundays! The garden bin is full so I used the three veggie planter bags and the pink truck. 
Also got the large pile of branches and twigs over to the ‘to be burnt’ areaI
The area is much clearer but it is only one section, the picture is taken from about the same place as yesterday.
Have made a start on th bedroom now, best keep going while I have the desire to get sorted, it probably won’t last!


  1. It’s surprising how quick stuff builds up, no matter how many times we declutter! But I suppose if everyone was ultra organised and good then we’d see a lot less charity shops around. So think of it as doing your bit in aid of charity 😊 I really need to do some sorting and disposing myself. Maybe tomorrow......maybe!
    That patch of garden looks a lot clearer than it did when you started. But with everything you’ve pulled out of there I’m not surprised! Looks like it was bloody hard work too. You should definitely take it easier, or at least commandeer some assistance with it. You’ll end up doing yourself a mischief before long. I thought the idea of retirement was to spend time with your feet up, not on your knees! 😁

  2. Would be good it that was it, but there is probably twice as much again in the same state! Good to try and get to the ivy when the trees and bushes are bare, quite a few of the bushes are almost dead and some break easily. Years of just running wild I suppose.
    I think I keep the charity show in business!!😆

  3. Think I must have run wild for too many years, because I feel almost dead and broken myself 😀
