Thursday 13 December 2018

Trip to Peterborough

This morning I went out into the garden early to cut up and clear all the ivy from yesterday. The garden bin is now full again. The sky was dramatic this morning, just different.
When I was in Scarborough I went to quilting classes and have three that I have kept. Most of them have been used as presents. I have never used them because of the cats, but I am keeping them out of my bedroom now so have one on the bed. I had forgotten just how nice it is.
This afternoon Tina and I set off after three for the trip to Pererborough and the sky was just lovely. A couple taken from the moving car!
We had a good journey except for one scary moment when a lorry signaled to come out as we sped along the A1, emergency stop and thankfully the car behind us managed to stop before running into us! We got to the hotel and checked in quickly and then went to pick Mike up to go to Ibrahimis. Lovely place and great food, thanks Mike. The hotel room is good and the WiFi is free, we are relaxing on our beds now.


  1. Some great skies again. Really love the first one from the car.
    Seems odd you’ve never used one of the quilts you made, so it’s good you are doing now. I have the one you gave me on the bed now. It really does make such a difference in the chilly months. A lot of work went into them, so it’s nice they get some use.
    It was really nice to see you both this evening and great to go to Ibrihimis for a meal. It’s been a nice day today.
    Enjoy the rest of your time down here.

  2. It is good to be using the quilt. Maybe I will get back into it next year.
    Had to have a go at capturing the evening sun.
    Ibrahimis was as good as ever.
