Tuesday 11 December 2018

Little groups

The sky was different again when I opened the curtains this morning.

I got the rest of my cards to send written and ready to post so went out early, got some cup hooks to use on the wooden tree and went to the post box. Had a quick look in the park, a bright frosty morning.
Then I went to the library for the board games group. Was there on my own for twenty five minutes and was about to leave when Ian turned up, we spent an hour or so playing cards, whist and rummy and it was enjoyable. I got a bit of shopping on the way home and had lunch with Tina. Then I made sure the dining room was ready and cut some material to do a bit of patchwork at the craft group, it was meeting at the vicarage today. Only four of us and Tina joined us while we had refreshments. I finished a star so it didn’t really take that long.
Got most of my present wrapping done last night and early this morning, so am feeling fairly organised at the moment.
Holby tonight, home it isn’t too sad!


  1. Doesn’t matter where you live you always end up with a good sky view. Wish I had one. Love that cloud formation!
    Good job you didn’t want to play Bridge at the games group 😀
    Sounds like a pleasant afternoon crafting. You’ve not done much patchwork for a while. Is that for anything in particular?
    Maybe Holby will have a happy episode as it’s near to Christmas. Don’t hold your breath though. Probably be an earthquake tonight and the hospital will collapse. You’ll have to wait until next week to see who survives!

  2. It was a lovely sky again, pretty nice to wake up to.
    It was a nice group meeting this afternoon, we had a laugh.
    Holby a bunch of laughs at the moment.
