Thursday 27 December 2018

Early walk and family visit

This morning I went out early to post letters again and then went for a walk as the sky looked okay again.
The folly is clear now the trees are in winter mode.
I walked down to the sea and had a hot chocolate in the dog walker cafe. The sea looked different again and the tide was right in.
Walking back the sparrows were chattering away and I managed to get a reasonable shot of one of them.
I spent a good deal of the day preparing and cooking dinner for us as Anya, Louis and Isobel were coming for ‘second Christmas’. Did have a bit of a break and went out to plant a few more bulbs.
We all hand a good dinner together and exchanged presents, I was very spoilt. This puzzle was one of them as Anya does like to pick one that will challenge my endurance!
Just a few shots one of Anya and two of Isobel to finish.
The family have gone to their holiday accommodation now, we will be seeing them again tomorrow.


  1. Lovely pics of the sea again. I really want to go to that cafe one morning if I get up there again. It always looks so peaceful, and the hot chocolate always sounds good!
    That puzzle should definitely keep you amused for a few days! Looks a bloody nightmare to do 😊
    Anya looks very Christmassy in that pic, bet she loved having that one taken 😀 I like Isobel’s bag, I’m assuming it’s meant to be an owl? Just a guess as I’m not very hip and trendy these days......not that I ever was really.
    Hope you all have a good day tomorrow.

  2. Bit like an owl but a fox I think, cute either way.
    The light today did make a very peaceful scene, the sea was actually crashing over the sea walls again.

  3. Yeah, I can see fox now you’ve said it.
