Monday 3 December 2018


This morning ther was a fabulous cloud over the houses when I opened the curtains.
I went down to the post office quite early, it was very busy so I walked up to look at the sea. Very calm and so serene this morning so will post them all.
Unusual clouds in that last one. The weather was lovely this morning, it got dull and damp later and then brightened up again. Back home I made a cottage pie, plated some up for Darren and the other three portions are in the freezer. I also made a sponge. Went to have coffee with Sarah and David this afternoon and took them a piece of cake each. I have iced some more cakes this evening, just three to go now and then the decorations to be added.
Going to add one more photo, I get regular mails with some great pics which you can save. This one is Winter in the woods in Oregon.


  1. Love all the pics this evening, specially the sea shots. Great to be greeted with that great splash of colour when you open the curtains. Then seeing that scene by the sea. You’re so lucky. Probably doesn’t always seem that way when the wind is howling and the rain is falling though 😊
    As I scrolled down the screen and saw the last pic I thought you’d had a lot of snow and that was the summer house. Took a second to sink in what it really was! I have to say though if you did wake up to that sort of view it’d be great.

  2. It was just so calm and beautiful, just took those pics and couldn’t choose between them. You can be sure there will be pictures if the summer house does get snowed in!

  3. The pic I mentioned to you before. From the summer house showing one clean set of footprints over the lawn. Make sure you take a flask out there to enjoy when you do 😊

  4. If we get snow will see what I can do!
