Thursday 25 July 2024

Upsetting news

When Tina was at morning prayer she got a message to say one of the church wardens was very poorly, she is Angela who is my friend and we often go out on trips. It sounded very serious, and we have had news that she is holding her own but nowhere near out of the woods. So this set us both off on a fretful day. I did do an hour or so clearing along the drive this morning, and still reading the book for a while so that I am finished before it is due back at the library. After lunch I went to be back up at a wedding rehearsal, and another one this evening!
We had a wander round the garden, lovely gladioli has now opened, and I cut a few sweet peas so my room smells lovely!
Before going to the church this evening and when we got back I have started preparing for making the first three cakes. Lined the tins, and now have the fruit soaking overnight.
So now it begins!!
Feeling shattered, so off to bed shortly.


  1. I’m really sorry to hear about Angela, I do hope things take a turn for the better for her. In some ways it’s good you had things to keep you occupied for the day.
    I bet the room does smell nice with the sweet peas, I’m sure the smell of Christmas cakes baking will add to the aroma too 🙂 It really doesn’t seem that long since you were at this stage last year! Where does time go? ☹️

  2. Busy day ahead but will be good to get started with the cakes.
