Saturday 20 July 2024

Carnival day

I have suffered today with achey legs and swollen ankles so haven’t been overly active. I did the usual Saturday morning shop and got a load of washing done. Then I did a bit of sorting in my rooms and some hoovering. I did take a few photos of the carnival parade but cannot find my card reader, so may post some at a later time. After an early lunch Tin got ready to join the parade with her bubble machine.
I went in the garden to check the bird baths had water in and then had a wander. A lovely while chrysanthemum had opened.
This hydrangea was very tiny last year.
These small alliums ar very pretty.
I did take a walk through the park passing the fair which is immediately behind our garden.
I called at the craft bus and had to take photo of a very colourful Rosie.
I came home nd read with my feet up to a bit and then went out and tied up some plants in the garden which needed supporting.
I bought some flowers when I went to the shop and got them into a vase.
The museum had a stall selling Hornsea Pottery and I got a lovely preserve pot for six pound, the bridge and local pottery, win, win!
I will finish with a photo I took a 10.15 pm last night when the fair was still in full swing, and loud!
It was taken through the landing window but you can make out the trees.


  1. Sounds like you’ve managed to do a fair few things, even after your busy day yesterday.
    Well for once words escape me. The pics of the Rev are great 😂🤣
    The flowers in the garden look nice. Almost worth all the effort that goes into it…..almost!
    Glad the weather stayed ok for the festivities. Rosie is definitely very colourful. Must be a theme with the clergy for the carnival.
    I like the pot with the bridge on it. Almost a flashing light that says Jan, buy me 🙂
    Hope you manage a reasonable night tonight.

  2. The parade was colourful, it ha d a clown theme, hopefully I will have a few pics soon. Good that the weather was kind, a lot of planning goes into the event.
