Thursday 4 July 2024

Nice trip to Driffield

I slept on the recliner last night and did actually get a bit more sleep so felt a bit better in myself today. Not much difference with the aches and pains but definitely more rested. I went to the post box early and when Tina came back from her hair appointment we set off for Driffield. Tina had banking to do but we also wanted to call in at Rafters, the fruit and veg box I order from but forgot to book a slot this week. We had a coffee and then went to the Yorkshire Trading Company before Rafters. We bought quite a few bits there, Tina got me this lightweight beach towel, whichI won’t use as a towel, will find somewhere to display it.
I got several foil covered cake boards as it will soon be time for Christmas cake making, so I can put them by for when decorating time comes. But the main bargains were a birthday card folder, complete with 24 note cards and only £2 and a canvas with pattern on and silks for £2.99. Not too keen on the colours but ai have plenty of silks. Took front and back pics.
Then we went to Rafters and got well stocked up. We went to Bell Mills garden centre for lunch and the only thing I bought in the actual garden centre was more of the flour milled there! Oh, and duck food!
The water was very clear as usual but masses of weed. So much that the ducks were actually sleeping on it. A couple of pics but the ducks are just the brown bits!
A couple more pics as it was very pretty there.
Didn’t get any good photos of the ducks when we were feeding them and we really loved seeing a moorhen getting food and feeding her baby.
We called in at Hornsea garden centre on the way home as I have been trying to look at and maybe buy a saw spade I have seen advertised.
Thought about mowing the front lawns but we had a shower of rain and ai didn’t need much to talk myself out of it!
Quiet evening again now.


  1. Glad you got out and about today with the Rev, specially as you were feeling a bit better today too. From the pics it looks like it was a nice trip out. I do like the towel Tina got you. Had to be had. Once again you managed to find some great bargains. You're a seasoned bargain hunter.
    A saw spade sounds intriguing. I'll have to look those up.
    Another night in the chair?

  2. It was a nice trip out, and it was helped by the fact that I was feeling a bit brighter.
    Yes, another night on the recliner and see if it is a good move or it last night was a one off.
