Monday 15 July 2024

Extra trip to the pottery

I went out to post a letter and get some bits at the shop fairly early and a bit later caught the bus up to Freeport as my legs were quite painful this morning. I decided to go today as I wanted to take the green man up so that it is out of the way and in hope that it will be fired before too long.
Just Sophie was in when I got there but she made me a drink and I picked a new item, a toadstool to paint.
I decided on subtle, didn’t want red spots!
I hadn’t seen this tile painted, I did it when everyone was busy on the flowerpot workshop.
Caroline had put all the coasters in one of the window displays.
Tina had been going to lunch with a friend but the friend has Covid, so Tina came up to meet mens have lunch. She had had quite a trying morning so I suggested an ice cream by the sea on the way back. Nice warm day today and a bit of relaxing sea air.
The spiky daisies ar in full bloom now and attracting insects.
While the scaffolding was at the top corner of the front garden I couldn’t get access. The area was untidy and getting very overgrown, so I thought it was time to try and get it a bit tidier.
It was quite a job, especially long the pavers. Not completely sorted, but at least accessible without being attacked by brambles.
An unusual butterfly rested for a while.
Have been to see Sarah and David this evening.


  1. Don’t blame you for going on the bus. Make use of the bus pass, I think you’ve earned it over the years.
    I like the toadstool. Does it have a purpose, or is it just for show? The tiles do look good all together like that. The red one really stands out.
    Ice cream by the sea sounds a nice idea. The weather was quite nice here this morning and most of the afternoon. But as I type this the rain is coming down quite heavily.
    The gardening you did today looks like it was hard work. It does look so much better though. As I keep saying, you’re a glutton for punishment!
    The last pic is a swallow tail moth. Nice looking things.
    Hope you had a good evening visiting.

  2. The toadstool is just an ornament, but quite cute.
    It was quite busy on the front, people making most of a rare sunny day!
    A couple of people commented when I was doing the garden saying things like ‘don’t get lost in the jungle’!
