Tuesday 2 July 2024

Fairly quiet day

A few chores this morning then a nice trip out with Angela. We had lunch at Cherry Lane garden centre near Beverley and had a look round and bought a few bits, not garden related! We went into Bemora back in Hornsea and had coffee and cake! I rested for a bit and then had an hour out in th e front garden, just pulling the larger weeds. The garden dustbin was emptied this afternoon and it in now filled to the brim again! The bind weed had really taken over, this pile was round a rose bush which you couldn’t actually see, it looked like a bind weed bush!
No other photos today but one I took of a quick sketch I did yesterday evening.
I got our usual Tuesday tea and just relaxing now, may think about painting another coaster in a bit.


  1. A very quiet day for you compared to normal. Glad to hear a majority of it was spent doing something other than gardening! A ladies luncheon is a better use of your time. Can't believe you didn't buy anything for the garden though! Maybe you should have bought another garden bin 😂
    Thats a nice drawing. I always like your line type sketches. Have fun with the coaster if you do it.

  2. I did paint another coaster, picture tomorrow.
    Up to the pottery tomorrow, no plans of what I will be doing yet.
