Friday 26 July 2024

Not so green man!

This morning I got on with the cakes quite early and got them into the over before gong to see Bel. I went to the local shops to try and get some more mixing bowls with lids and small square cake tins, but no success. I had a message from Caroline at the pottery to say my ‘green man’ was ready for collection. Tina needed some bits from Tesco and I was happy to go there as we had money off coupons, so after the cakes were out she took me and we went up to Freeport as well. I got some really nice, colourful mixing bowls and some other bits and Tina got what she needed.
At the pottery I got to see my not so green man, and two of the recent samples I have painted. I am pleased with them all but delighted with the man.
This little monster is tiny and soo cute.
I decided against the traditional red spots!
And just so pleased with out he turned out. 
Turned the cakes out to finish cooling when we got back.
I have spent this evening preparing for cooking five cakes tomorrow.
Shattered now, won’t be late to bed again!


  1. Definitely a cake day today then 🙂 It’s like a production line in your house this time of year. I can almost taste it now. How many do you have to make this year? Don’t you ever wish you’d never started making them? 😂
    I like all the pottery from today, but the green man is beautiful. I’d be more than happy to have that on display somewhere. The eyes are great.
    Have fun tomorrow.

  2. Up early today so first two cakes already in the oven.
    I was pleased with the pottery pieces but especially the green man.
    When I am making the cakes I do question why I ever started!
