Wednesday 3 July 2024

Bit of painting and bit of walking

Wasn’t feeling too bright again this morning so I caught the bus up to Freeport. They have quite a lot of new stock so I painted an acorn tea light holder. Nearly forgot to take a before photo, but hadn’t got too far.
I took quite a while and even did a bit of writing on it. I hope it will turn out well.
Hopefully it will be fired for too long. I took up the coaster I painted last night and hope that will be ready soon as well.
I felt a bit better so did walk back from Freeport, but took my time and called in to see Sher on the way..
When I got back there was a small pond shape by the door, one of the church members is getting a bigger one, so now we will have to decide where it is going.
Quiet evening and taking to the recliner tonight to see how that goes.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Fairly quiet day

A few chores this morning then a nice trip out with Angela. We had lunch at Cherry Lane garden centre near Beverley and had a look round and bought a few bits, not garden related! We went into Bemora back in Hornsea and had coffee and cake! I rested for a bit and then had an hour out in th e front garden, just pulling the larger weeds. The garden dustbin was emptied this afternoon and it in now filled to the brim again! The bind weed had really taken over, this pile was round a rose bush which you couldn’t actually see, it looked like a bind weed bush!
No other photos today but one I took of a quick sketch I did yesterday evening.
I got our usual Tuesday tea and just relaxing now, may think about painting another coaster in a bit.

Monday 1 July 2024

Trying to get motivated

Went out in the garden, well, the walled garden, as there were so many sycamore saplings and nettles behind the stone bench that 
Darren’s large bonsai trees on the bench were becoming overwhelmed..
The bench doesn’t move so when I hd done some cutting back I got in behind it. Getting out over the debris was a challenge!
I need to get digging out roots behind the bench at some point, but once I had cleared up thought that was enough gardening for today!
After lunch I went to Boyes as I wanted some carbon paper. Had to buy a receipt book to get some! This afternoon I set about drawing a couple of designs for the coasters. I probably could have h found some already drawn on line, but where is the challenge in that?

Transferred the designs onto tiles and painted them, now sure how easy it will be to get other people painting them.
I visited Sarah and David this evening, heard about their latest trip, this time to Ireland.
I finished my novel today so will probably start on the autobiography later.
Meant to post a pics of the dragon lamp lit but in a dark room.