Sunday 31 January 2021

Morning and evening church shots!

I enjoy finding pictures for the special days, when I don’t decide to put pen to paper. Today’s celebratory days are International Zebra Day, and wait for it, here comes the whacky one, National Gorilla Suit Day! Nothing more to be said.

A lovely morning again, in fact I went out and did some tidying quite early on, didn’t take pictures but filled to carts for the garden bin! The sun was dating part of the church and the clouds were pretty in the other one!

A couple of pictures of Pandora, one looking cut on my window seat and the other one exploring! When we first had her and she was nervous she used to get up on that shelf quite regularly.
This afternoon I have been sewing. Got the last two columns of the quilt sewn together and pressed and then attached them to the others. So the top of the quilt is done but I have to buy the wadding and material for the back so it will be resting in a box for the time being. I have a couple of second hand books coming so should get some ideas for other quilted things to make.
I am pretty pleased with how it turned out as it is a reasonably complex construction and I haven’t done any quilting for a while.
Will finish with another shot of the church which I took when I went to put the fox food out.


  1. The gorilla looks like it has a face on its stomach too 😊 Great suit.
    Some nice church pis today. Nice to have them from both ends of the day. Glad you didn’t go too mad in the garden, but it’s good to do a bit while the weather permits.
    Wish I could relax like Pandora does. Looks so chilled!
    I think the quilt looks great. You’ve got a really good selection of colours and distributed well. At least you can have a rest from it for a little while now, although I’m sure you’ll find plenty more things to do.

  2. A very silly gorilla suit, you would be surprised at how many there are out there!
    An attractive church and good to catch it in the different light.
    Pandora does look so cute sometimes, especially when she has her paws over her head.
    Getting the colours well spaced was fun but took a while as they are so differentl
