Wednesday 20 January 2021

More unusual celebratory days

I haven’t reall looked up any details on today’s special days, but did get around to doing a silly illustration!
It has been raining on and off for most of the day again, but I did go for a walk down to the sea front. The sea definitely didn’t look very inviting and not a lot of people about today. The tide was in and it was a little rough.

I managed to cut the rest of the trapeziums without further mishap. Will maybe start piecing some together tomorrow.
I watched the inauguration of President Biden this afternoon, really pleased it went off without any more unrest.
Will add a word to finish.
Gaminesque (adj.): charming in a sly or unsophisticated way.


  1. That’s a great way of combining the two 😊 I think it’s great that you’re doing a drawing for them.
    Well at least you got out for a walk even though it wasn’t very clement. Looks a proper British winter seaside day! Seems you where the only one brave or daft enough to go.
    That’s going to be a very colourful quilt. Glad you got the rest cut out without any accidents. It’ll probably be all sewn together by tomorrow night.
    Good final word. Sounds just like me!

    1. It has been fun thinking about doing an illustration.
      I am pleased that I walked down to the sea, did try to go a little faster as well, but still pretty slow, but will keep trying to up it.
      It won’t all be sewn together for a while yet, but may make a start!
