Monday 1 February 2021

Imbolc or Imbolg

A bit closer to home with the celebratory day today. Imbolc, also called Brigid’s Day, is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Historically it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Two other days are noted as well, National Get Up Day and Change Your Password Day! They keep on coming and can all be checked to see they actually exist!
It has been a good day weather wise not so cold or windy and plenty of sunshine. I worked for a fair while in the garden cutting back and hoeing. I didn’t take a complete before photo but took one of a part I hadn’t worked on. It had become very flat and dull looking, not helped by all the rain and the volume of wildlife that tramples over it, not to mention cats!
I managed to work round the whole of the main bed, well the front of it anyway. I did decapitate a couple of bulbs, but I have planted so many that it won’t make much difference in the scheme of things!
I had a couple of deliveries today, some wide fitting shoes I ordered and three second hand quilting books. One of the books has a different ad much more straightforward way of attaching the binding. This has always been a nightmare as the way I was shown was so complicated. So it I don’t gain any other tips that makes the books worthwhile.anyway. After lunch I put the shoes on and went for a short walk along Newbegin and into the park, which has now dried out a bit. It is a lovely space and very well used, especially by dog walkers.
A the far side I spotted another area that is not actually a lake!
I went to the pet shop after that and got four primulas to go into the newly tidied flower bed.

A picture of the sky again as I was putting the fox food out. Then I will finish as I have been having real internet issues this evening!


  1. Love Get Up Day and Change Your Password Day 😊
    Your gardening effects look really good. Looks a lot of work though even on just that bit. Hope you weren’t at it too long. I would think it’s hard NOT to decapitate a few bulbs. There are so many in that garden it’s hard to miss them! The bed does look nice.
    Glad the books have proved useful. It’s always nice if you pick up a time saving tip. Did the new shoes pass the walking test? That is a nice park, and very close too. Shame you don’t have a working gate in you back garden wall as it’d be even closer. Even the temporary lake looks good. Bet the wildlife like it.
    Hopefully the internet issues are just a glitch and all will be well now.

    1. Third attempt, a good day, nice to see the garden looking in reasonable condition.
      The park is a lovely area, pretty big too.
      Shoes seem to be fine.
