Monday 11 January 2021

Secret Pal Day

I wish I had read up about this day sooner, will make a not to try and remember next year as one of the suggestions is to send anonymous cards to friends. That could be fun! I could make some Secret Pal cards........
This morning I decided to go out and do a bit of gardening, nothing too strenuous and I had the phone and stick with me! There were a lot of leaves along the path by the wall in the front garden and I also wanted to make the path to the composter a bit clearer.

I only worked for about forty minutes, practically filled the brown bin though! I felt really energised by doing something physical!
I have been researching long arm sewing machines and have now ordered one. The shop is waiting for a delivery so it may be a little while. Meanwhile I am thinking about having a different table in the bedroom which is stronger and bigger as this is a fairly heavy semi industrial machine. So beware those who know me, you may be getting quilted presents whether you want them or not!
I have done some vacuuming today and managed ten minutes on the cycle exerciser, so a bit more active. Have done some reading as well as I am really enjoying the Agatha Christie novels. I have read several chapters of this one and there has been no mention of Miss Marple yet!
I will finish with a word again today.
Mazed  (adj.): Stupefied or confused.


  1. I would say I’ll remember this post in case I get an anonymous card next year, but with my memory I’ve got no chance!
    Glad you feel better for having done the bit of gardening. At least you were sensible and didn’t overdo it. After not being able to do much for a while I bet you did feel good after a bit of exercise, and actually achieving the goal you set. Does look clearer and tidier. Don’t get carried away every day though, not for a while yet.
    Really pleased you’ve ordered your sewing machine. I know you’ve been weighing it up in your mind for a while, so it’s good to take the plunge finally. I’m sure you’ll get lots of pleasure from using it, and I’m sure people won’t mind quilted presents for every occasion 😊
    Perhaps they’re trying to build up the excitement in the new book. It’s probably Miss Marple who’s been killed. I could be wrong.
    Never heard of Mazed, but it sounds right.

  2. Not a bad day at all, and taking the plunge ordering the sewing machine as well. It feels good to have been a bit more active, but will take it steady and not go over board.
    I am really enjoying the calendar, with crazy special days and obscure words, a great find by Tina.
