Saturday 9 January 2021

Balloon Ascension Day

I found the details of Balloon Ascension Day very interesting, will let you look up more detail in you are inclined! It is an American celebration day and I couldn’t believe that it commemorates the first balloon flight, taken on January 9th in 1793! The balloonist, if that is what they are called was a French man named Jean Pierre Blanchard. Apparently George Washington was there to witness the event!
Back to more mundane things I have been feeling less than positive about my likelihood of good mobility today. My left leg( new knee leg) hasn’t been as bad as yesterday, but I still feel I need the stick and can’t really trust it. As well as that my right knee has been very painful today especially when trying to go upstairs. Hopefully that is because I cannot really walk upstairs properly yet so it is just out of practice!
When I went out this morning to feed the birds I cut off some of the leaves from the coffee tree that I took the picture of the other day. When I cam in I sorted out the flower press, hand made for me and many years old, but it does the job. The leaves are now being pressed!
Tina ordered some more air drying clay a little while ago and also a couple of jigsaws for me. They arrived today.
I have started one, this picture is the box with the edges done, except for one piece, you never find them all however thorough you think you have been!
Apart from going to the greengrocer I haven’t been out and about today, have done a bit of tidying and reading an Agatha Christie novel, The Body in The Library, really enjoying it.
I just love the word today, it crates it’s own image!
Atiptoe (adj.): Eagerly alert and expectant; in a state of anxious anticipation.
Will finish with a couple of great pics taken by Lunny of the mere.


  1. I might look that up. I did sort of know some of the details of the first flight as I watched a documentary on the subject a while ago. Must have been pretty scary!
    I think the old knee will improve once the new knew is healed properly. As you say you’re not climbing stairs or walking properly yet so it must be putting it under extra strain. That’s Dr Mike’s prognosis for what it’s worth!
    Sounds like you’ve kept busy today without going for long walks. Save those for the better weather and the better knee. The coffee leaves would look good in a frame once they’ve dried out, or even on cards. Bet there are a plethora of other things in that press already. I like the pic on the second jigsaw. Bet that’ll be a devil to do. I don’t know where you find time to fit all these things in, and reading too! I struggle to manage one thing during the day 😊
    Lunny does see some great skies while she out and about.
    I feel atiptoe when I think W is coming to knock on my door 😊

    1. It has been an okay day despite my slightly less optimistic mood.
      I really like the colours of the jigsaw I have started, have done a bit more but still haven’t found the last edge piece!
      I don’t think atiptoe is the right word for unwanted visitors!
