Monday 4 January 2021

Crafty letters and World Hypnotism Day

Who would have known all these special days existed? World Hypnotism Day first took place in 2006, and was held in honour of Dr Jack Gibson, an Irish hypnotherapist who passed away the previous year.
It has been bitterly cold out in the wind today but not frosty or icy. I went along Newbegin, posted letters for Darren and Tina, none for me today and then into the s for some milk. Did some household chores and have read a couple more of the Marple short stories which I am thoroughly enjoying. I have a book with four full length Marple novels in arriving within the next week. Apparently she is the widest selling author ever, only outdone by The Bible and Shakespeare, and I don’t know anyone who has ever actually read any of her books!
This afternoon I have been playing with ideas from the illustrated letters book I received. Have done a couple today and rally enjoying it. Today I used the pearlescent water colours.

Darren got a Waitrose hamper from work at Christmas as they didn’t have a Christmas meal. There was a tiny Christmas cake in there and I had half of it this evening. Tina doesn’t like Christmas cake and Darren has just cut into the one I made him so it could happily be mine!
Let’s finish with another obscure word.
Spoliation (n) : The act or practice of ruination. Also, the act of illegally seizing goods or land.


  1. I wonder if there’s a World Silly Special Days Day? 😊
    It has been cold today. But I’ve been ensconced in the flat with the heating on so it’s not been too bad for me. Having watched Boris just now it appears that’ll be the way of things for some time to come!
    Im surprised you don’t know anyone who’s read her books. I do, it’s you! Glad you’re enjoying them.
    I love both of those watercolour letters. They look great. I’m sure you’ll be able to make good use of those.
    That is a tiny Christmas cake. I’ve forgotten what they taste like now!
    Think Boris is try a bit of spoliation on the country 😊

    1. There are special days nearly every day, who would have thought it.
      Lock down had to come, will be interesting to see how well it is adhered to.
      I am enjoying trying to letters, looks like I will have plenty of time on my hands to carry on practicing!
