Sunday 3 January 2021

National fruitcake toss day!

Well, the calendar states that this is fruitcake toss day. I looked it up and sure enough it is! The first Great Fruitcake Day was in Manitoba Springs, Colorado on January 3rd 1996. So there you have a useless fact for the day!
First picture today is one sent to me by a friend and is particularly cute.
Bit huge, can’t reduce it! A couple now of the sky this morning.

I fed the birds and went along to the shops this morning, then started on another monogram which I finished off after lunch.
Used coloured pencils on that one but may try one in watercolour another day.
Tina has been having a play with some Das air drying clay and made me a cute little pig.
Watched a couple of episodes of ‘Watching’ this afternoon, really enjoying its quirky humour. Then got dinner and have been reading the Miss Marple short stories which I am also really enjoying.
Will finish with a word from the calendar tonight.
Discrutator (noun) : One given to extreme skepticism and making petty and unnecessary objections.


  1. Fruitcake toss day! Why would anyone want to toss a perfectly good fruitcake? Only in America!
    The otters are cute. I can see why you like them, but I’m sure they could have one of your fingers off in one bite ๐Ÿ˜Š
    You do get some nice sunrises and sunsets up there, and aren’t too built up to obscure them. I do occasionally see a nice coloured sky here, but there are too many obstacles to get a nice pic.
    You have been on a household crafting craze lately. I bet even Darren has done some electronics, which counts as crafting. I think the monograms would lend themselves to watercolours nicely. Very cute pig, and tiny too. I think the Rev should now do a litter of piglets to go with it. That’ll test her eyesight, and patience ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿท
    I could be a discrutator!

  2. I think the calendar is great and it even has me looking things up!
    The otter picture is really cute may have to get it printed
    We are a crafty lot just now, little piglets would be cute......

  3. Hi Jan, I love Tina's pig and I remember u used to collect pigs I think. ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ–
    I am re looking through tlkast years calendar that you gave me and looking at the photos. I love the one of twatt church it made me laugh. And I love the blackbird as it reminds me of my mum and dad's garden as they always have cheeky, bold blackbirds who act like they own the place. I like to think of your garden and what you have done with it.
    I have painted a bottle recently for myself really and have some plans for to do more, but it's just the time to do it. I am meditating alot and also try to walk /sit in the park as much as I can as it helps with anxiety. And I also still do my cognitive behaviour therapy by myself.
    And visiting my dad and mum if course. And friends from church. But really a very quiet time. And I miss church as our church ended for good. And I am often visiting my dad in a Sunday morning so haven't been going to another which I do miss the support and spiritual enrichment.
    I read a bit... Very slowly these days. But it's a progression. And I listen to stories occasionally on radio 4 which are great.
    I'm sure lockdown will finish soon and I will be able to visit you. That would be amazing. Love always Julie xxx

    1. Having trouble posting comments on here at the moment Julie, will email you. But yes, I do collect pigs. XX
